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Youth Ministries
We love students and desire to see them rise above the culture as they learn to follow Christ. It is our mission to host middle and high school students and to walk along side them and their parents as they develop as disciples and the future, while making lasting memories together!
We do this through weekly gatherings, which include games, snacks, a message, and discussion, paired with special seasonal outings or events, camp retreats, and summer camp opportunities at
Ultimately, we want teens to understand what it looks like to have a daily relationship with Jesus Christ and to be excited about what this means for their everyday life now and as they grow into young adults.
Our youth leaders are Aaron Fritzgerald, who has an undergraduate degree in Youth Ministry, and a Masters in Finance, along with Chloe Marie, who has an B.S. in Worship Arts and Music Industry Studies, and is in seminary for a Masters degree.
If your teen is interested in attending, please contact us for times and dates of youth group.
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