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Reaching Out Locally and Globally

Whether local or global, our church is built upon the principal that service to our communities is essential to our existence, the betterment of our world, and the glorification of God.

We collect supplies and collaborate with World Relief on best practices for cross cultural ministry and how the church can partner with and help
refugees as they resettle in our communities.



Feed My Starving Children


Pack meals together for hungry families around the world!

 Last time we served as a church, we fed 46 families for a year! Join us by signing up on the sheet at the greeting table, or save your quarters to purchase meals for those in need.

Between now and then, we are collecting can goods and non parishables for those in our community who have requested support from our church directly.

Feel free to bring canned meals like soup and chili, basic toiletry supplies, or cleaning products to the drop box.

Blue Skies and Yellow Fields
Busoma Mornings.jpg

Main Street Church helps support

The Busoma Project which is aimed at helping feed hospital patients and caretakers hot nutritious meals at the Kibuye Hope Hospital in Africa,

in partnership with FMC global missions.


Main Street Church helps support Missionaries across the globe who are living a life of servanthood to Christ in order to spread the Gospel. They need our prayer and monetary support.


Thom & Sherry Cahill


Mike & Vickie Reynen

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