Discipleship and Events
Hymns Unpacked
This fall, we are using our old hymnals for a devotional and discipleship study. Each week, we will explore a hymn and the scripture that is noted as the inspiration for the hymn.
If you would like to sign up to participate, let us know. There will be a monthly gathering to discuss what we are learning.
Sunday, November 3rd, at 6:30 pm, we will host a praise and worship night to sing a few of the hymns studied through the fall along with other contemporary worship songs.
Summer Camps at Sky Lodge Christian Camp
Our church is connected with Sky Lodge Christian Camp in Wisconsin, which offers a variety of camping and retreat opportunities for kids and adults, as well as job opportunities for teens and college age students throughout the summer.
To learn more about camp, to register for a camp or retreat, or to apply to work at camp go to www.skylodge.org