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God the Father

There is one God who created everything, who loves us deeply, and who desires to have a relationship with all people. People are by nature separated from God because of our rebellion (sin) against Him.

Jesus the Son

Jesus is the Son of God. His life, death and resurrection made it possible for us to have a relationship with God. It is because Jesus paid the penalty for our sin, that we can now be forgiven for our sin and healed of our brokenness. In faith, we accept his gift of forgiveness, and we can have that desired relationship with the Creator.

The Church Body

The church is the body of people who try to live as Jesus lived, but because people are not perfect, the church needs the Holy Spirit to lead and guide it. At its best, the church is an example in the world of mercy, grace, generosity, love, servanthood, and devotion to loving God and neighbors.

The Holy Spirit 

The Holy Spirit lives in all who believe that Jesus is the Son of God and who follow Him. The Holy Spirit comforts, counsels, convicts, guides, empowers and points people toward God.


All people want to feel loved and accepted.

We look to all sorts of things to make us feel satisfied with our lives, yet too often we find they leave us empty.

What we all need is to have a relationship with the God who loves us by placing faith in Jesus and then living a life of loving the Lord and loving our neighbors.


The Bible is not merely a piece of literature, but a major way God actively speaks to people through the story of creation, God's relationship with people and how it was broken, and then what God did to restore it by sending Jesus as the Savior. It teaches us how we can have a relationship with God and experience the fullness of life that follows as we live as disciples of Jesus.

Main Street Free Methodist Church

2402 W. Main Street

Saint Charles, IL, 60175


Office phone line:  331-235-5111


© 2022 Main Street Church

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